Bikini Model Academy Online. With help from their Uncle Seymour, the guys recruit pretty girls until an old enemy tries to shut them down. J. and Benji lose their girlfriends, they start a bikini modeling academy to make money and meet women.
Ketika TJ dan Benji, dua California puluh sesuatu teman terbaik, kehilangan pacar mereka, mereka mulai rumah tumbuh pemodelan bikini akademi untuk membuat uang dan bertemu gadis-gadis baru. J.'s Uncle Seymour (Gary Busey), the guys begin recruiting pretty girls, until a rival modeling faculty owned by their old. J.'s Uncle Seymour (Gary Busey), the guys begin recruiting pretty girls.
J. and Benji, two California twenty-something best buddies, lose their girlfriends, they start a home grown bikini modeling academy to make money and meet new girls.
Starring: Adam Weisman, Andriana Manfredi, Benjamin Stone and others.
J. and Benji, two California twenty-something best buddies, lose their wives, they take up a house improved bikini modeling With a little help from T. With a little help from T. J. and Benji, two California twenty-something best buddies, lose their girlfriends, they start a home grown bikini modeling academy to make money and meet new girls.